About Kosran-SAC
Kosran-SAC is a market-leading technology which prevents unauthorised use of cranes, access platforms and mobile plant on job sites. It is proven to stop theft, improve site safety and lowers operational costs.
When linked to IPAF or CPCS operator’s training cards, it ensures that only qualified operators can use the equipment. When the holder’s card expires, he will automatically be barred from using the machine.
The Kosran brand has been promoted over many years at Trade Shows and EventsThe unique system combines the Kosran telematics converter with a keypad PIN code-operated hi-tech immobilisation system, which can be linked to any tracking device. But Kosran is much more than an asset management tracker-unit.
The difference is that Kosran gives plant managers 24/7 secure remote control of both the machines and the operators – accessed via an internet log-in, or using an app for smartphones and tablets.
The plant manager can add or delete approved users, geo-fence the location of the equipment and set time frames outside of which the machines cannot be operated.
The plant manager can also access valuable real-time information such as battery status on electrically powered plant; more accurately plan machine delivery; no time is wasted collecting plant from large sites, it’s location is pinpointed; while service intervals are based on hard data of location and hours in use.
Kosran also produces daily and weekly reports which link operators and machines, directly with incident alerts. It also helps companies to identify each site’s future machine requirements.
Health & Safety policies require shut-down machines to be secured when not in use. The Kosran Safety Access Control System has an integrated hi-tech immobilisation system which is proven to stop theft and un-authorised machine use.
Today, Kosran is working on a wide range of sites including St. Barts Hospital, London; Olympic Park Infrastructure; Avonmouth Deep Sea Port, Blackwall Tunnel, Heathrow T2 and Victoria Tunnel.
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